Saturday, December 29, 2007

felices fiestas

otra vida... otro idioma... entre mares... entre tierras... madre tierra... frente a mediterraneo... atras del atlantico... liao por un estrecho... ahi esta malaga... andalucia... españa... europa... mi planeta... mi sangre... aceite de oliva... mi comida... una mezcla frita... frente a africa... tan cerca... tan lejos... frita porque se mezcla... cultura millenaria... flamenca... ritmo africano... afroamericano... clave... un punto en el mapa... sitio clave... lleno de historia... pescadores fenicios... califes arabes... reyes catolicos... touristas giris... imigrantes colorados... doloridos... perseguidos... un estrecho peligroso... ombrigo del mundo... sin fin... estrecho... en fin... paraiso soñado... despertado... alarmante... un infierno en verano... costa del sol... destruida... construida... falsificada... tanta cultura enterrada... quemada... olvidada... fin de semana... fin de año... fin del sueño... como un petardo... un porro... aqui se fuma... se toma... que pasa... se abusa... se marcha... locales de fiesta... discotecas... la gente sale... la mente baila... hay energia... la gente sueña... se respira... pueblos... campos... comida casera... pucherito.. la sombra de un olivo... madures de un abuelo... el amor de una tierra... abuela... antigua... un libro de historia... lo que nos queda... se aprovecha... se ama... se llora... mis raices... mi familia... mi ombrigo... madre tierra... entre tierras... entre mares... otro idioma... otra vida...

Saturday, December 22, 2007

starting blog...

just like a runna´... feet in the starting blog... i m ready to start... start what?... writing... thinking... uploading... for who?... who cares... for myself... for my friends... for my familly... for you... none of it is probably gonna make much sense... just like my life... you might not always understand what i m trying to say... the language i use... the place i´m at... or the people that make it in here... but no worries because i don´t understand it myself... just like i don´t understand what i´m doing... writing... thinking... surfing... this is gonna feel a little raw... it s gonna smell different... look blurry... but that´s my vision of things... of the world... a place i feel so fortunate and free to move around... blend with so many cultures and people... some of which i grew up with... others i could have grown up with... all of which that made me grow... as a person... a human being... this is not for good or bad... right or wrong... it´s just an experience... something i would love to hear feed back about... so i can mold into something easteticly more beautiful... nice to look at... sincere... you email me... you name it... there´s no set plan in here... just like my path... it´s gonna move around... be visualised years before it happens... changed at the last minute... it´s sort of like zenzela... there´s an earthquake right around the corner... we all know it... live with it... it´s the essence of our life... not knowing when it will happen... some live closer to its epicenter... others don´t even think about it... but no one really knows our future... zenzela is in everyone of us... an energy... heart beating... the rythm of life itself... perfection... and this is just another path... my path... it´s different from yours... not better... nor worse... just different... just like our backgrounds... passions... ideals... forms... and whatever else that makes us alike... controversial... we´re linked by our differences... same difference... love... ate... you... me... this is my path... and reading this... wether you like it... believe it... or not... you´re part of it... sorry :)... so... just like a good salesman... i´ll repeat it... you might as well join in... and the best part of all this... is that it´s up to you to figure it out... for yourself... you can follow my path here... i want to follow your path there... learn... experiment... breath... everything you believe in is right for you... i believe in you... and what you believe in... it might not be right for everyone... or anyone... but you... just like this might only make sense to me... just like i might be the only one caring about this blog... just like this feels to me... a group email i´m writing to myself... so... in this case... hoping to hear from all of you soon... thank you for being yourselves...