Monday, June 25, 2012

chupito de floles...

y ahora... la primavera... el lollo del restaulante chino... el chupito de flole... las pocas abejas que nos quedan... el sol cada dia mas fuerte... el amor del verano en la mente... ausente... y porque hablar de la prima vera... la vida es tan corta... todo una broma... aqui tiene usted... que aproveche... esto podria ser su ultima... eso dicen en el calendario maya... vaya vaya... musica classica a todo volumen... atencion viva... momento desicivo... cada instante es unico... cada ruido infinito... cada palabra sin sentido... seguimos vivos...


Monday, June 18, 2012

miss pealed...

so you from around here... wait... that sounds familiar... almost cheesy... creepy... hooney mooney... like that same overstretched fishing line... that old club bait... summer song chill out cold... sore throat with a pineaple flavor... it´s not just about who you kiss anymore... not even that finger linkin´ aftertaste... it´s all about finding God... making Love... fucking Shit... litterally... no bad joke... poke... coke... as long as it fits... and of course no one really knows what happened... not even if they enjoyed it... it was a such a drugged up moment... butt pain eventually goes away... and so do We... only our mispealing will remain...


Sunday, June 10, 2012


une idee... juste une... avant d'oublier... ecrire c'est se rapeler... pour mieux re-oublier... et apres... on continu son chemin... verre de 20 haut les mains... compter ses doigts c'es gagner... et meme des fois... on a le droit d'ecrire n'importe quoi... pourquoi pas... puisque c'est meme pas moi... balancer... tourner... retourner... et toujours se rapeler...


Monday, June 4, 2012

para dice...

wanna be a millionaire... roll like a celebrity... live in paradise... sounds great... but think about it... everybody else wanna do the same... sama sama... and next thing you know... you... and all your fellow dreamers just ruined it... ooops... look at all these lost wonders... overcrowded cities... overrated Tv show... overembelished super models... actors... fact is... nothing last forever... not even love... life... prefered wife... favorite knife... and at the end of the day... the sun goes away... the colors fade... sometimes you get laid... paid... enough said...
