Wednesday, November 26, 2014

live large...

another missed opportunity... everyday... every hour... i feel that i pass... not stepping on the gaz... full trottle all the way down... that's how we should live life... everyday... every hour... every minute... cuz eventually it just stops... so don't just make sure to live long enough... make sure to do everything you can while you can... if you can... to each their own...


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

pierre qui roule...

apparament y'a de grandes chances que nos raiseaux sociaux nous rendent immortels... ou du moins auront amassertellement d'informations sur nous meme qu'il sera possible de projeter notre hollograme... ou meme reconconstruire un robot a notre image... et pourquoi pas meme nous recloner avec toutes nos ptites infos persos qu'on aura ecrites you clicker pendant des annees de notre vie sur le web... c'est pas plus fou d'y reflechir que d'avoir ete sur la lune a l'epoque... en fait le truc qu'on sait et on fait c'est de raconter plus que notre vie sur les pages sociales... et surtout divulguer d'encore plus importantes et personelles informations sur tous nos autres click... car tout est enregistrer... ficher... utiliser... nous sommes donc en train d'ecrire indirectement mais avec plus de details que jamais toute notre biographie... ca n'a pas l'air top grave par les temps qui courent... mais mieux vaut y penser avant que les temps changent... car les saisons et l'histoire se repetent...


Wednesday, November 12, 2014


how often do we actually feel like we are at the right place and time... how long does that feeling last... when was the last time... where... i always felt that i was... until i started hanging out on facebook too much... watching everyone else be in that perfect spot at the perfect moment... self=portraying highs can bring out lows onto others... and vice-versa... and it sure is great to see what and how everyone in the world is doing at the same time... but... there's always a butt behind... it can also have a kryptonite effect... an overwhelming feeling that everyone else in the world is doing more amazing things... with more beautiful and fun people,,, in the most incredible places... at such a perfect happy hour sunset gopro moment... sorry but kodak froze like kojak's head... so it is with this new and not so exiting technology that we share our dreams... or at least pretend we are the shit... because when presidents get elected on social networks... and we still have the power and choice to decide if we want to think or have machines do the thinking for us... yes we sure can... or no we should not... but somehow we do feel that way... as if we giving ourselves an anesthesia by recording all these used-to-be-unique-but-no-so-unique moments anymore in comparation of the millions others... and now what... can we still listen to James to feel good... or Bob to get high... or do we give it all up in smoke because everyone else is just much cooler... i used to think therefore i used to be... that was my reality...


Thursday, November 6, 2014


hay el arte... y la manera... una parte... otra patera... la onda llega... y se va... como una ola... cara... cola... patenta... a ver quien engana... gana poco... pierde mas... todo tiene su logica... logistica... ida...vuelta... un pasito palante... los demas pa tras... pero como todo depende... de una cancion... un momento... otro refran... y cambia la vida... o se para... para enterderse mejor... a lo peor... mejor esperarse... verse... cayendo... volando... sueno y despierto...
