Monday, February 25, 2008

c est reparti pour un tour

l'histoire se repetes... tout comme les histoires... les leurs... les votres... les miennes... amen... toi... c est ici que ca se passe... parce que c est toujours mieux ailleurs... d'ailleurs... nous sommes las... mais toujours ailleurs... c'est ca l'eldorado... un reve... espoir qui fait vivre... et tue... une raison de vivre... un ras de marre... ras le bol... c'est pour cela qu'on pars... con prends des risques... je te jures sur l'honneur... quelle horreure... erreure... c est comme ca qu'on apprends... un elephant ca trompe enormement... c'est l'ecole de la vie... le je de la mort... faut pas faire de fautes... attention a ton orthographe... prends soins de ta grand mere... et ta soeur elle bas le beurre... c'est eux qui avaient tout faux... gribouillages au stylo rouge... notes pourries... livres d'histoires a dormir debout... les mots changes... les expressions s'abolissent... les negres se peignes de couleurs... noircisses... black is beautiful... meme devenu cools... a la mode de chez nous... ainsi font... font... font... on connais deja la chanson... tout comme l'histoire... elle se repete... se la pete... c'est devenu du rap... une preuve que dans la galere on a toujours chante... et dans les pirogues c'est rappe... ras le culs... on continu de se faire sauter... pret a tout pour tirer un coup... devenir le maitre a la craie blanche et au tableau noir... l'esclave a la peau noire et aux histoires blanches ... celui qui se la pete a la rentree... avec ses beaux caillers... ses jolies stylos... ses histoires imaginaires... exagerees... celles que tout le monde veux entendre... la famille... les amis... celles qui donnent envi de partir... reussir... se la jouer... et comme on ne sais pas lire entre les lignes... on pars faire les bancs dans la galere... jetes son argent a la mer... s'endete... se chie dessu... se fait honte... se rends compte... con se torche le cul avec nos arbres... que l argent ne pousse pas dans les arbres... qu'il y a de plus en plus de monde... moins d'arbres... que tout le monde fait comme tout le monde... semblant... con veux toujours plus... toujours ce que l'on a pas... c'est comme ca... c'est dommage... de le savoir... et continuer d'y croire... putain d'histoire... plein de tipex... je m'en vais... une fois de plus... m'effaces...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

manezinio da isla...

a pesca do mar pode ser peor com dois costillas quebradas... senegal ta tudo bom... (if you look close enough you can see my broken ribs stickin out under my left nipple... i know... i should not be spearfishing either... breathing still hurts... oh well...) abrazaon...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


i have been taking lots of photos lately... experimenting... seeing lots of souls... reminding people how crazy toubab (white) can be... moving the camera around so much... making everything so blurry... "i'm still learning" i keep repeating... and i try again... people think i really suck... i have this nice digital camera and can't take a straight shot... maybe i really do suck... making simple things look complicated... distorting people's faces... looking for secret reflections... sometimes i wonder what's wrong with me... always trying to do everything my own way... looking for a secret little path next to the freeway... working jobs and hustling around so i can keep capturing real life... doing it all for the love of it... it's hard to understand sometimes... impossible to explain properly... it's just like this blog in a way... personal... like last night we had a little meeting with the 6 main characters from zenzela (click on mlprodutions... click on the mirror... and click on zenzela to watch it if you haven't)... it was the first andonly flip i did with a little story to it... it was 3 years ago... so we talked about it... they wanted to know what happened with it... who had seen it... if i had gained anything from it... if they would ever get anything out of it... all in all, they wanted to know the point of it... so i asked them if they liked it... if they felt satisfied with their own image... they said they watched it over and over again... they loved being in a movie about their own lifes... wouldn't you? i told them that was what it was all about... that if any of us did it for fame or money then we did the wrong thing... zenzela is a personal thing to share with people who care about it... it's like a mutual favor that brings people together... a place to see different people from all over the world doing their thing... and as we watch each other... care for each other's lifestyles... zenzela becomes this secret little path next to the freeway... timeless... where we have a commun bound... appear in our own flips... listen... respect... appreciate each others... exist... and that's all it's all about... reminding ourselves that we exist...

Saturday, February 9, 2008

surf s up...

i have been asked for more surf pics... the thing is that it is a bit hard to capture myself on film when i'm in the water... especially when the conditions are good... but sometimes everything comes together... right time... right place... in this case the waves were firing for as week... and i met three south african surfers documenting their journey accross west africa... ... they took some surf shots from their house in the distance... and even if it was far away it gives a good idea of how good it can get around here... i have surfed this place alone many times... on bigger swells... i love this spot... merci et bon voyage...

last news: i just broke a couple ribs on a bad wipe out on this spot a couple days ago... so i will be out of the water for a little while... i guess that s the price to pay sometimes... it s a long swim out of there... it could have been much worse...