Friday, May 23, 2008

coming up...

i'm selling out... selling everything i got... myself... bad timing it seems... economy is down... depts are up... worldwide recession... and i need to sell something i don't even have... get money for an invisible project... money for nothing... nothing for money... another headache... weight on my shoulders... hole in my pocket... poster on my wall... expenssive creation... time consuming product... proof that i'm not on some endless summer vacation... message for the people who care to understand... this is not a complain... all the opposite... just a signal of what's going on in my life... i haven't watched a movie in months... nor television in ages... but my eyes are still red and tired... and will be for the rest of the summer... which i will be travelling around beautiful exotic places... surfing perfect waves... meeting good friends... taking nice pictures... but before all... prostituting myself so i can reach a goal... get rid of the cause of this headache... even though there will be more to come if i achieve it... i mean... it all probably sounds sort of vague... and as a matter of fact... it is... just like my life... my website... those words... sentences... i don´t know where i will be next week... and try to get something done before the year is over... it's very confusing... life is... or what we make of it... for all of us... i know... for most of us... who try to actually create things... evolve... grow... get better... improve... listen... read... believe... dream... go for it... everything can stop us... but nothing matters that much... in the end... i'm doing it for myself... it will never be perfect... and i will never get rich from it... materially... but i will in other ways that are worth the effort... so i keep trying with what i got... just like with this blog... and you are the main reason i do this... and even if i can´t tell you this in person... i love you... and if you don´t get it now... you will one day... and me too... hopefully...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


back to cali... cali... sounds like a sound... track me... down under... back for a track... cali for nia... here we go... bla bla bla... paper... or plastic... forest surgery... hybrid cars... silicon hearts... fast thoughts... slow food... cartboard houses... million dollar babies... pink dots... in n out... pop art... movies stars... recession... all good in tha hood... thank you... you welcome... center of the world... sunny universal dream... land of the free... city of angels... life's a bitch... workoholics anonymous... let me in... one more time... don't ask questions... just enjoy the ride... don't fall in love... practice safe sex... eat healthy food... make practical decisions... run forest run... think about it again... remember who you don't want to be... where you came from... hold hands... hand hold... make a phone call... exist... resist... i got a cell therefore i am... i'm in a cell... a bathtub... overflowing bubble bath... as naked as the eye can't see... puritanism... existencialism... nakedism... modernism... nonsensialism... virtualism... patriotism... zenzelism... chritianism... bullshitism... this is where it s all at... once... upon a time... there was a far... far... far side... away place... farming a dirty past... made in us and a... genocide for a gold rush... out of my hood... All good... keep it real... west side... rap the history up... forget the indians... thoses great fools are dead... tripping... hallucinating... utopia... recycled capitalism... the gray race in marching on... moving forward in a rental uhaul truck... driving a credit card... stuck in traffic... frozen food melting in the trunk... head rush hour... another beautiful smoggy day...LA ... la... la... here goes that same song again... same talk show on the radio... grayfity on the side of the free way... inspiration... lost of personality disorder... attention deficit disorder... eat too much crap disorder... stressfull perfect world disorder... gotta go to work disorder... drive thru and order... this is an order... a commercial recorder... a social reminder... your income money maker... you such a monkey remember... the number one gang member... driving by gas stations... shooting the world... killing the earth... generating wars... sponsoring conflicts on television... collective suicide attempt... crime against humanity... you have the right to remain silent... call a lawyer... bail... jail... fail... put your tail in between your legs... run... to the forest... run... find out for yourself... whip your ass... the forest is gone... flushed away... so is the free way... welcome to heaven...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

ghostriding is not a crime...

eso es un recuerdo para los ghostriders de las americas... sabeis muy bien quien sos... SOS... me voi de vuelta a la origen del ghostriding... la america... sin S... original... y para quien no tiene ni idea de lo que estoi hablando... perdido en el mundo... les aseguro que no estan solos... hay vida... tocan a la puerta del vecino... no se asuste del immigrante... illegal... y zen... ahi estan unos chicos increibles... al reves... en el centro del mundo estan buscandose la vida... trabajando... chamuchando... ayudandose... como al otro lado del mar... de la cama... cerca de africa... en unas islas pirateadas... llena de tesoros... basura... humo... asados... fiestas... peleas... hoteles... playas... sol... vikingas... secretos... montañas... rusas... piscinas... y que mas... un abrazo a todos los fantasmas...