temps 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510...
i'm full of it... wait... what... me... who... you... nous... et alors... who cares... i do... obviously... and you do too... why... not sure... but here we glow... flow... blow... out of fashion... buisness... gaz... in style... file... flies... whatever... this is lame... fame... olympic flame... game... shame... oversized same... time to wake up... do something... sit under a tree... sip some coffee... discuss... grow... flow... connect... letters... words... people... flights... turn off lights... light up candles... fires... stare... remember... places... colors... trains of thoughts... share... care... enjoy the moment... let it be... umplugged... timing is everything... piece of pi... inspiration is clear... transparant... invisible... sometimes... that's the goal... point of it all... leaving things as you find them... no foot marks... step on the moon... no proofs... fingerprints... stagnant bank account... sleepy debit card... cash only... master of the invisble... underground... graffiti artist... roach swallower... inhaling master... cellular superstar... mathematical solution... high resolution... low profile enytrepreneur... king of the hill... satin gloves and all... just like that... few words... much nonsense... leave no trace... no thoughts... no idea... zenzela... to each their own... mine is invisible... invincible... incredible... individible... just like time... invisible... and if you didn't feel anything... time went by... just like that... reading nonsense... transparant words... digital thoughts... icing on the cake... cherie je t'aimes... je t'adores... un peu... aller... j'arretes... avant de faire trop de fautes... stop... thinking... language barrier... no such thing... remember... non sense is irrational... international... universal... linguistical... asi es... pues... donde estoy... aki... ici... here... there's a reason for everything... timing is everything... dialectically speaking... truthly seeking... grammatically carelessing... timing is the reason for everything...