Thursday, October 30, 2008

hollow win...

friendly stoops... strange steps... away from home... long gone... observation... reflection... admiration... human nature... future... features... a world of its own... home owners... new comers... from all corners... baby boomers... cultural loosers... killers... unfaithfull crusaders... fuckers... rockers... surfers... members of the world lounge... frequent flyer of the sky garden... money makers of the embargo... priviledged members of the bounty club... drunken warriors of a select playground... believers of equality... human rights dreamers... flushing toilets crapers... keep dreaming of a better place... lick it for a change... suck it for yourself... stick it in your own place... fuck it out of here... and look who's talking... mumbling.... accepting... rolling... smilling... sitting... stooping away... stepping up... striping down... naked thoughts... umbielevable truth... knowledge is king... caring... ignorance is a bless... mess... lost in freedom... translation... shaky rear view mirrors... shaky streets... all going the wrong way... ready for for a bride... a ticket from hell... exclusive entrance to heaven... crowded paradise... growing third world... on the steps for a second... dreaming of the first stoops... catching up... watching the freak show... letting the train go... picturing the ghosts glow... hearing the tech no... welcome to the hunted house... bali halloween...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

read between the lines...

write in between places... read in between lines... listen to strangers... talk to yourself... drink tap water... eat street food... carry cash... forget your pin... provoke your senses... drive fast... learn bad words... be lazy... don't tip... forget sarcasm... eat meat... fuck yoga... litter... leave the lights on... let the water run... smoke cool... be dope... borrow... use... abuse... refuse... pro hoes... con fuses... don't bother... to be or not to be... clean is the answer... dance dirty... rub skin... don't wear gloves... let your hair grow... shave it... take your towel to the bitch... wax yourself... do what you gotta do... just don't do it... stand under... think backward... do what you wanna do... just do it... give me a break... spit in the soup... go away... get lost... jetlaged... forget time... be late... hate yourself... get smashed... loose consciousness... act stupid... pretend... be human... let go... e-go... eco... logical crap... that's it... end it...

Friday, October 10, 2008

francement parler...

Chokus... pokus... faut que j'focus... dar dar motus... et bouche cousue... badaboum... prend soins... sors de ton coin... coin... vilain petit canard... gros connard... bastard... il est tard... couche toi gros lard... vieux ringard... bouge de la... rap... elle... toi... quand a moi... fin de mois... paye... cheque... et cances vas... comme d'hab... etudes... recherches... moi... voila quoi... connais toi... toi meme... cailles ras... au pas... repas... ou pas... etre... ou ne paraitre... naissent pas... la question... reponds... tete de constitution... camembert... president... pu du bec... bu du mec... rue du cake... flake... shake... fake... take... revolution... tourniconton... tournicontin... 1... 2... 3... souvenirs... sous venirs... sous vetements... sous helene... dallas et tout... bobby il est gentil... jr il est mechant... mort aux vaches... vive la reevaluation... la dictee de bernard pivot... et fuck la grammaire... viva las faltas... screw the system... jean merde la con ju gays on... roules mes trois langues... frere jack... uncle sam... big brother... et ta soeur... elle baas le rob... heu... peut etre... surement... a la follie... passionement... on s'en fou... roules a donf... ecris des verses... en sense inverse... reverse.... melanges de langues... roules des peles... oublis les rules... asi es la libertad... d'expression... le romantisme... l'image et nation... le paul etique... once comprends... presque... a l'autre bout du monde... on y pense... avec des fautes... on ecris... mais on y pense...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

kia ora...

maority report... minority... priority... sorry... worried warrior... wounded world... help drugs... alcohol... gotta fight your own self... screw the system... work it... show me the money... fuck it... got milk... identity... blood... adn... all over yourself... inside... flowing... unlike cash... credit crunch... eco-friendly... recycled... organic... smells like sulfur... mother nature... purity... insanity... survival instinct... remember... who you are... what you look like... where you come from... be proud... live up to it... be strong... fight like a warrior... look at yourself...