all n' tha ghetto...

life... the journey... goes on... just like time... the earth... the moon... rising sun... and the entire universe... as we know it... but it's all relative... as einstein prooved it... e=mc2... so simple... complicated... relative... officially confirmed... for now... i am no genius... far from it... standing on the opposite side of the scale... in the back of the classroom... relatively relating to the relativity theory... time goes fast when you play... sort of thing... slows down when you bored... that's part of freedom... for now... art... human nature... you name it... i write it... or at least try... caring... sharing... feeling... dealing... finding... surviving... moving... understanding... different languages... people... places... cultures... and everything in between... i know... nothing... i know... crowded thoughts... images... overwhelming dreams... insanity... culture shock... wave... food... small houses... big hearts... financial security... standart lifes... workoholism... trust... respect... metro... boulot... dodo... time to go... aligato...