Thursday, July 30, 2009

self fish dreams...

i just got 20 years older... today... the bulls are gone... tractors replaced them... the fish is gone... people replaced them... i feel sorry... for the fish... for the fishermen... and for the people... such big fishing nets... so little fish in them... such crowd around... not sure how it's gonna work out... too little fish left in the ocean... too many mouths to feed on land... i realised with my very eyes... for the first time... that our specie is fucked... i remember 20 years ago... the nets were full... the beaches empty... and today... i just witnessed the opposite... see what i mean... and that's not from any newspaper... or from any distorted over-exagerated story... i heard them before... many times... but today... i saw it with my very eyes... twenty years later... how we've multiplied... how steril the ocean is... i don't know if i wanna cry... yell... laugh... or wait another 20 years... just like i did... sitting around... eating... flying... watching... surfing... traveling... flirting... pretending to care... dare... Gernika in the back of my head... somewhere between the Cosby show... Einstein's theory of relativity... and a no U-turn sign... see why i feel the way i feel... not because "only a surfer knows the feeling"... not because i learned how to read... not because i'm such a spoiled rat... it's a lot more simple than that... always... it's because i'm dum enough to know the truth and do nothing about it... is that one of our tricks to survive... because if it really is... we are really fucked... ignorance is terrible... knowledge is worse... i feel terrible... worse... i feel human... i was one of these people on the beach... taking pictures of a sad scene... feeling obscene... and now i'm here again... sharing words without condom... seeking some personal freedom... selfishing in the storm... ridin' dirty on humanity... pimpin' meals like there's no tomorow... rememberin' who i really am... feelin' like a true idiot... part of a crowded dream... what if there was too much enlightment in this world... i feel like searching for darkness... not sure who i feel sorry for... not even sure if i really feel sorry... sorry... sorry to be sorry... this sorry game can go on and on... but after today... i doupt any of us that can actually read this stuff can go on and on... we've thrown ourselves out of our own stupid game... we are oficially fucked... i know it... you know it... we all know this... so let's have some more fun... while we can... let's blow this shit up... let's become a supernova... i know we can do it... all we gotta do is keep doin' our thing... feel sorry... but keep doin' it... fuck yeah...

Friday, July 24, 2009

por tu gallo...

cerca... pegada... abrasada... ahi esta... llena de historia... vestida de negro... religiosa... reposada... arrugada... esperando el regreso... de aquel barco de gamma... a la union magelana... para seguir el progreso... hacia un mundo ordenado... ahora... estrella europea... visitada... acampada... reconstruida... abusada... recyclada... hacia un futuro moderno... lleno de gente rara... domingera... estressada... aplastada en la playa... como frango a la brasa... quemando naturaleza... neurona... hierba... cantando belleza... soledad... ternura... raza mestizada... colonisada... catholisada... cruzificada... y enamorada... de esta cultura olvidada... de estas calles estrechas... de estos acantilados salados... batidos... por una rumba oceanica... un viento insasiable... salado... pesado... frio... ambriento... donde se esconde el bacalao... famoso... como fortaleza de una identida... escondida... a la punta de la tierra... fin del mundo conocido... cocinado... autocaravanado... queso podrido... paraiso olfatado... en serio... esto es otro mundo... jardin magico... fuera del tiempo... pais fermentado... a punto... a consumir con moderacion... visitar con respecto... a portugal le digo... muito obrigado...

Friday, July 17, 2009

time flies...

time upon... once... lonely... there will be a fucked princess... high eels... low self-estim... fed upon glamour... overexpecting... sold out... victimised... partly sinical... party silly girl... bar after bar... years behind years... lifetime unrested... upon time... twice... there will be a pop prince... flippin' flops... high on narcissism... low on thoughts... feeding of frenzy... underrating... bargaining... half n' half... averaged... scoring cheats... cheating scores... hotshot after shot... lie after lie... warranty for a lifetime... not once... not twice... time upon time... will they meet... tricky destiny... a block away... a decade apart... a light turning red... a minute going green... discussion overlaping... fear turning around... strike lightning... thunder striking... scary thoughts... burning fever... human dance... trance... dance floor... crossing eyes... melting sweat... they will never meet... sweet... human error... expension... over reaction... water boiling out of the pot... too much salt in the air... rust... just forget about these two... they will never meet... oh well... at least it keeps this non-story short... sort of... so next time you got a question... just raise your hand... your intellect... they will apreciate it...

Friday, July 10, 2009

petite raison grand jardin...

petite maison... petit matin... ou tout commenca sur une plage... loin... a la pointe... d'un vieux continent... fin fond d'une civilisation civilisante... au fil de falaises cicatrisee... par une houle hurlante... entre ciel et terre... paradis infernal... enfer paradisiaque... raison d'etre quoi... etre ou ne paraitre... nature ou sucre... petits seins gravitationels... gros seins sans pesanteur... choisir... la maison de nos reves... le jardins de nos desirs... l'enracinement... ou bien... la boite de thon... la plantation dans le vent... la bohemie... ainsi choix t il... peu importe en verite... loins de tout... pres de rien... rien de loins... tout pres... a quelques lieux de ce lieux meme... la magie fait bien les choses... le destin entre autre... il y avait donc une montagne... grandiose et imposante... tout comme cette brochette de civilisations qui s'y percherent... survivant dans un nis de pierre prehistoriques... neo-politiques... tout commenca donc avec deux etres... celui qui est... et celui qui n'est pas... le changement constant... la stagnation incessante... une caravane pres de la plage... un chateau sur la montagne... qui est qui dans cette histoire sans queue ni tete... qui fait quoi dans cet endroit sans envers de decors... hippie sedentarise dans une histoire a dormir debout... perche dans un conte de fes technotonisees... entrepreneur mouvemente par des vagues a l'ame sur une plage ancestrale... alcoholise en costume raye a la queueleuleu... enfin bref... tout ca pour rien dire que... comme disais l'autre... c'est pas l'homme qui fait son niz... ni le niz qui fait l'homme... c'est la pluie qui decide le cours de l'eau... a chacun de voyager comme il lui en convient... dans son petit jardin apres avoir fumer un joint... ou dans son grand chateau avec une belle part de gateau... tout reste relatif tant qu'on y crois... c'est tellement simple que c'est trop compliquer... a raconter... ecrire... danser... peindre... donc on se melange les peinceaux... les souliers... les mots... et les pensees... et la on arrete tout... recule un peu... prend de l'elans... et se fou de tout...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

stress in peace...

piss on stress... yes... we can... another week end... time to relax... chill out... barbecue... barbie´s cute... celebrate... holly day... saturday... holly shit... sunday... inpendance day... forget work... fire works... burn it... let it... blow it... fuck it... rewind... remember... have a coors... light... floating pussy... fart... professional party crasher... action jackson... hoops... poops... too dead for his own smart... dead B 4th his time... oh well... too ¨bad¨... someone will remember him... them... y´all... bunch of fools... bloody bastards... cock suckin´ vanpires... what did you expect... really... a red light turning green... forever... and ever... a black man goin´ white... gloves on and all... come on... let´s play who´s the retard... read his story´s side... history books... forget who you are... go back to church... synagogue... temple... mosque... springfield... smurf´s ville... sit under a tree... facebook... guide book... face lift... target... pray for salvation... anti-inflamation... look up... listen to the sky... it sounds the same... firworks show... bombs dropping... humanoid game... entertainment... war reminder... rearview mirror... please play doG... please... God... please... here comes the gran finale... last supper... sucker... judgement... national anthem on acid... the white house´s dark days... i mean... the colored house... black nigga´s hood... sorrow... i mean... sorry... yes... i know... i can... afri can... ameri can... name on you... i´m mean... shame on me... blame it on the invisible soldier... force... law-enforcer... banker... wanker... child molester... same o... lame o... enjoy the show... death row... last wish... meal... veal... grill... queue it up... happy forth...