Friday, October 30, 2009

w... w... w...

heya... you... know... who... yeah... ya... dream... team... mate... intimate... stare... care... air... get on... top... form... perform... bottom line... turn... a round... in two... a match... made in... earth... heaven... yoohu... yahoo... name it... call it... collect... sounds like... some... one... i... no... can not be... all ready... one time... two place... right tree... left behind... front side... back words... imagine nation... off... it's on... wow... don't just do it... say it... straight forward... face a face... two cans do... open it... this is 54 you... high 5... book n'roll... beat n'show... heartsy smantsy... feelings n'all... yall there... wall here... wait n'... @ n'... getin'... ready or not... for that moment... perfect location... www... where... when... why... reality hit... flip... kick... hit the lip... lick the hip... hop... back on top... tie tha rope... hope... keep n'... faith... n' more...


Thursday, October 22, 2009

triple uvas....

cambio de formato... olfato... subtitulo... agrego... reflexiono sin pensar... al reves... funciona tambien... cien... y pico... no lo siento... mucho... beso... riesgo... bueno... esto es como... el lomo... lo mio... simplemente... con la mente... escribo... titulo... donde ando... cuando... escribo... esto... asi cada uno... sabe... donde... encontrarme... mas o menos... vale... asi que vamos... esto no es secreto... a todo lo contrario... algun dia cantare... en un grupo... llamado... triple uvas... ya te vale... hombre... mira quien somos... a quien queremos... que pisamos... a que huele... como duele... la palabra... bien cantada... la poesia... bien dicha... el tiempo... respectado... igualado... voy y vengo... por el mismo... camino... por yo solo... con cierto... itinerante... ya me vale... mirale... que sitio... andale... pues no...


Friday, October 16, 2009

100 posts...

100 posts... que mas decir... what else to say... quoi d'autre ecrire... 100 posts... so many words... autant de mots... tantas palabras... 100 posts... si peu de sense... tan poco sentido... so much nonsense... 100 posts... gracias a ti... thank to you... merci a toi... 100 posts!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

how many Godz...

this is a very special moment... are you in it... can you feel it... together... we can do better... let's start from the begining... preliminaries... as some may say... slowly but surely... let's make sure we on the same frequency... for once... imagine love actually exists... and works... for everyone... or at least the majority... just believce democracy exists... works... for the majority... or at least for everyone... can you follow... go with the flow... it's vital for the system... the majority... the minority... you... and me... then let's think as a bunch... of ones... i mean... of bunches... united Godz... zillions that make One... world... well... something like that... story of our lifes... anyways... details apart... far apart... this is so amazing... to be back in time... pick fruits from a vegetable garden... drink from a well... well... well... and pretend to be so natural... seff-sufficient... aware... conscious... recycle club all... dancing on drugs... feeling better... highter... inspired... ready to change... the course of... you... man... ET... and the entire globalized globe... universal universe... it's a fuct... fakt... a new breed of saviors is born... to be wild... run naked during demonstrations... and starve to save a cow... it's Bio... logical... degradable... anti-synthetical... symetrical... bin-therebefore... colormatch-end all... praise the lords... of the kings... back to cool... yo... one is cool... bunch of fools... after-hours hippies... old-shcool mummys... are you cuming back... to reality... forget yoga... get lost... and don't even try to get political with me... what goes around comes around... right... believe it all you want... just remember one thing... one is unique... a bunch is a bunch... we all one bunch or nothing...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

vin d'anges...

ceci est mon sang... vin... coeur de france... battement intense... en trance... celebrons cet elixir... humain... collectif... majestic... a consommer sans moderation... mais education... respect... et amour... a chaque bouteille... verre... gorgee... goute... louange a toi... le seigneur... l'homme... la femme... l'etudiant en avance... le diplome en retard... la famille gitanne... le vieux fou boiteux... les hippies espagnols... les locaux travailleurs... le marrocain d'ailleurs... la celibataire endurcie... le reveur... le teufeur... le taffeur... le pochtron... l'intellectuel... le smicar... le commercial... le ptit jeune... le ptit jaune... le grand noir... le coco... le chauvin... le socio... le sucio... le soucieux... l'illegal... le vieux... le chasseur... l'ignorant... le flambeur... le rappeur... le fumeur... l'artiste... le musicien... le magicien... le saisonier... le fetar... le droguer... le saoulard... le sportif... le leve tard... le couche tot... le penseur... le celibataire... les maries... les paxes... le joueur... le voyageur... le raleur... le comique... et toute la chaine alimentaire... du pain au... vin... tant de misere... vin... temps de bon moments... ainsi soit il... aller... amenes...