Sunday, November 29, 2009

what kind of...

shit happens... you know... places change... people come... n'go... rrrrrr... all these lost paradises... just left behind... somewhere in the back of my mind... some beautiful dream... from a bountyfool soul... get back jack... remember that rock... the one you use to sit on... always... eternally... well... it remains... it may be hard to find... it may even have been built on... removed... but it remains... believe it or not... picture it... dream it... 'cause it's your landmark... belly bottom... you need it... keeps you in position... balanced with your surroundings... the world... that paved road of ours... you can see what you looking for from it... global positioning system of yours... mission control center of the universe... mister... may i help you find yourself... white ladies first... butter flies... a rock is asexual... or so you heard... i don't buy it... worthless comment anyways... priceless i should say... not to mention... pointless... how can anyone care less... that's why going back is a bless... in relation to that mess... oh... needless to say... les livres de fesses... i confess... that's why... never guess... just follow your instincts... far behind any doupts... countless games of chess... crazyness... enough ness... let me get back to where i went... visit this museum of changes... of my own... find out what deals i missed out on... share the ones i found out about... try to stay focus... true to my feelings... keep leaving things the way i keep finding them... respect them for what they were... praise them for what they became... be happy to sit back on that rock... get energize... be happy to sit... period... to rock or not to rock... rollin' down the river of time... can't step in the same river twice... or perhaps you can... as long as you are happy... i knew it the second i was born... growing up hurts... light is bright... but that's why i had to breath... stay alive to feel and see it... and that's what we do... one way or another... however we can... it makes sense... and doesn't matter... it's almost ridiculous... just like this shit... but it happens... i know... places come... people change... n'stay... rrrrrr... all these found paradises... just right ahead... shit will happen again... n' again...


Friday, November 20, 2009


recuerdo... aquella noche fria... manana helada... lugar magico... mitico... y me desperte... pasando de un sueno a otro... la nevera no estava vacia... algo quedava... de la noche pasada... pesada... y larga... pero aquella manana... aquel sueno profundo... cambio el rumbo de la vida... rompo con la monotonia... se calento la lluvia... el dia... no el agua... ahi estava su pelo... mojado... largo... grano de imaginacion adesiva... vida intensa... viajada... buscada... y finalmente encontrada... ahi estava... estirando su cuerpo... frente al mar... belleza frente a frente... tormenta en mi mente... desayuno apurado... siguo... a mi ritmo... al suyo... esta mirada condensada... alterada... y nada... estamos nadando juntos... helados... dos sabores sin saber... que decir... hacer... como nacer... vaya poder... joder... tantos anos buscando... la encuentro... y me quedo callao... no puede ser... en realidad... hay que creer... en los suenos que se realizan... para llegar a sonar... crear... continuar... y hasta aqui llegamos... tanta distancia entre besos... sin falta... alguna... asi es la vida... imagina... y nada... imagina... y da... la vuelta... cabeza vacia... corazon lleno... adelanta... se para... no sabe pasar la marcha... sonriza... ahi queda... grabada... memoria... piedra pintada... revolucion querida... olvidada... encontrada... sin prisa... solo vienen las sorpresas... mi alma... no te prometo nada... despierta... imagina... crea tu propia... ya sabe... esa palabra que ya no importa... par de lettras complementarias... loteria recreativa... instinctiva... fuera de iva... sin propina... ya es hora... apaga... vete fuera a dar una vuelta... en cualquier momento... esa hora... es ahora... espero tu llamada...


Friday, November 13, 2009

no handlebars...

little bed story... tale... let me tell... a few months back... in time... i was... rolling down hill... hands in the air... like it's good... to be... alive... free... riding my bike... with no handlebars... and it happened... so fast... that i still remember... still in motion... that black cat... glow in the dark eyes... glancing at me... fraction of a second... particularly... i thought... don't fuckin' do it... don't even... and it did... happen... the black ass cat... stupid ass ran accross... my path... my life... my time... hands down... tires up... collision on... fuck off... supervision... i believe i can fly... why... 'cause i ain't no fly... i wear my black... flies... @night... vision... it's all about... superstition... @thatpoint... that's my point... 'cause n' effects... see... from that point... show must go on... and on... and on... to this point... and i can't... see the point... by definition... i understand... by explanation... i under... stand... still... looking back... @blackcat... dot... com... how come... black cat... bad omen... black time... bad luck... back track... pac... man... for give me... for get me... for me... for that cat... for a moment... i'm kit... cat... fat... rat... road is flat... life's like that... rollin' hat... stone... dice... mice... twice... it all comes together... once... upon a time... there was a cat... no egg... no chicken... no color... no reason... for a bike... rock n' rollin'... downhill... heads up... aware... beware... everything happens... for a reason... when you least expect... easy does it... changes occur... obscure... beamin' high... it's metaphysical... phorical... hysterical... name it all... what you don't want... 'cause in fact... nf@kt... system error... this program is shutting down... shame on you... where am i... hibernate... restart your computer now... if the symptoms persists... keep your eyes closed... open your mind... watch out... this ain't no fairy... tell... little of his story in bed... as far as i can... tale... little bed in history...


Friday, November 6, 2009

et ouais...

c re party... pour 1 tour... re tour... 2 babel... 3 bab... i belle... d chants... i yon... science fix... po... yo... lo... co... bravo... et encore... bra... vo... et en core et... bras... veaux... hipi... pi... pe... vlatablo... voila quoi... gros... sceaux... maude... haut... l'avis en roz... 54rose... flip... cali... fornic... et scion... silence... on tourne... re tourne... en rond... fait le point... en verlan... le rond d'un... trait... ca passe... ca casse... sa race... chacun ca... chaque 1 pour soi... soit... soie... re... pete... fete... tete... prise de... risques... agence tous... ensemble... marche on... si... toi... i... 1... 2... la pate riz... 3... soleil... 4... 4... code... @... 5... com... www... 666... dis 789... re... vole... u... tion... 10... able... c tous... 1 point... c tout...
