
cross mess... that's right... and i'll repeat it too... especially on this solstice date... cross mess... messy cross... missing accross... a cross... crossing a miss... a mess... just getting the point accross the point... making sure... we all know... what that xsing sign stands for... 'cause i don't... get it... something just doesn't make sense... or actually it does more than it should... so get me wrong... please proove me... get me off the hook... convert me into a believer... show me the light... the money... honey... but first tell me something... minor detail i suppose... like that cross... you know... that one that was used... that crucification one... remember... they... the bad guys... nailed that cool surfer dude on it... which sucks... really... especially since he apparently was the son of the one and only God... damn... that's quite a fuck up if i ever seen one... oooops... but let me get my point a cross... what i really don't get... really... is the reason why people have kept the cross as a good symbol... since it was the bad guys bad symbol on which they nailed good people on... if he was the one and only son of the one and only God... you think jesus or his adopted dad could have said something about it... since he was illiterate... maybe there the world would have been a better place... if his fans wouldn't have praised the bad guys symbol for centuries... i mean... come on... am i that crazy... are they that ignorant... did jesus said anything about praying across a cross... i haven't read much what people have writen about exactly what he said centuries after he said stuff... but i doupt anyone even mentions it... not even in some awkward triple meaning lyrical way... put it this way... if Jesus was born for xmas 1942 for instance... and the bad guys then decided to nail him to their bad symbol... his followers would praise a swaztica... that's just how i see things... but i'm crazy i guess... for thinking that way... on such an important date... so i apologize in advance... not trying to hurt anyone feelings... just trying to understand the world we all live in... better... i'm just trying to provoke... some kind of imagination... beliefs... 'cause believe it or not... i am a believer... just trying to understand... just trying... to understand... clean this messiah mess... no less...
Labels: Puerto viejo... Costa Rica...