Thursday, December 23, 2010

life is...

too short for some... long for others... exiting... boring... what you make out of it... freedom... four walls... watch... out... a window... a bird... a worm... a heart... a beat... photosynthesis... natural... artificial... intelligent... dummer than dirt... a problem... infinity... a cup full of answers... solutions... a beach... a bitch... a barbie... a babie... a baby... crying... breathing... holding... underwater... above the clouds... on earth... in a far away galaxy... inside... so small... invisible... so big... tasteless... pointless... clueless... timeless... wireless... bottomless... a mess... a guess... a devil wearing a red dress... a bless... god playing a game of chess... in the opposite sex... inside a fat belly... a condom full of jelly... an egg sunny side up... inside out... upside down... regular foot... goofy... organized chaos... a molecule... energy... dancing with death... rolling high... some endless freeway... in a purse... a backpack... a car... under the driver's seat... holding to a seat belt... amazing... completely complete... complicated... so simple... easy... sad... rad... fat... another black cat... lucky... a lottery... a bunch of numbers together... an equation... a word... meaning something no one really understand... comprehension... fear... great... a favorite pet... wet... dry... why life is... four letters... not much else... destiny... not fair... equal... justice... a pile of dog shit... a prayer... a mountain of layers... photoshoped... cropped for reality... magic... movement... a temperature change... a pattern... a concern... in a mosquito bite... harmony... out of tune... love... hate... war... a lost star... a lone tsar... in a needle... flotting... swimming... yelling... dimentional... asymetrical... mathematical... profund... shallow as fuck... attached... ombilical... biblical... suicidal... believable... incredible... even at the hospital... laying on its back... looking at the sky... running naked thru a field of blooming flowers... dying quietly... corroded... polluted... tired to live... a shadow... a sign... another excuse... a virus... a confusion... a conclusion... what life is...


Saturday, December 18, 2010

le savoir...

y'en a qui disent... rien ne sert de courir... il faut partir a point... car la prisa mata... et si on nait en retard... faut bien se ratraper... etre meilleur que la moyenne... y'en a qui loupent leur de l'heure mort... qui sont partis apres... et apres... etaient ils donc en retors... par rapport a quoi... qui... coup... quand... porque... c'est une bien miss Terieuse enigme... celle d'etre... ou ne pas... meme si on crois la co-naitre... on pourrait presque meme argumenter la verite... la mettre en tors... pourquoi pas... en refutant que cinq minutes avant sa mort il etait encore vivant... tout depend... de la situation... de l'heure de notre naissance... de la precaritee de l'emploie... et voila... rien ne sert d'eprouver... cette fausse verite... car si le destin existe... merde... alors c'est comme marcher dans... un temps sans raison... existence sans arguments... vie odorisee... vaporisee... sodomisee... on sait deja ce con est... et donc... 5 minutes en avant... on est deja en arriere... ce qui voudrais dire donc queue... on nait mort... c'est vraiment trop qu'on... la vie... en rose... com un refraim... con... con... est... des... ja... encore fallait t'il le savoir...


Saturday, December 4, 2010

what lies...

time flies... mine by... fine try... wine cry... why lie... same day... some lay... no way... sittin' in limbo... thinkin' of indo... another histo... catch her in the... ry... re... present... past... and all... eleven dimensions... pls the ones we don't... no... surprise lies beneath knowledge... over the... edge... live that moment... realise what's under every step... father... give me the strenght... undertsand... this ain't no prayer... slayer... meyer... heya'... just a deep thought... without a clue... flue... blue... tooth... smooth... frequency... no mercy... all tenses are now... drugs may help you see... realise... find a quick way... light at the end... off that tunnel... vision street wear... that's how i see... it... that truth of ours... so let's find out... may be grow...
