Friday, July 29, 2011

karma guide on...

moon rise... quiet freeway... btw...there are days... ways... lays... says... mays... but when it comes down to it... there's only one... sun... moon... star... war... planet... common sense... we all sharin' that cake... icin' our heads up... flyin' around fat asses around... listenin' to that surround sound comin' out of the ground... fryin' that live appetite in overtaxed oil... foolin' ourselves with our genetics... phisics... psychics... and whatever we donb't even know... can't even think about... that famous energy bigger than a reality show... where is the fuckin' money all gone... for what... where are the explaination and question marks... what kinda name is yours in the first place... who got second... place... trace... let's face it... you can never do it all... see a fraction of what's really goin' on... imagine it... get it... just do your part... wear what fits you... talk about what you actually know... shut the fuck up then... you know... forget it... get it... for... it...


Saturday, July 23, 2011

mar abierto...

un dia... un barco se... hundia... un narco es... palabra... cada bra... sosterner... aquel accento... lejano... tejano... sabiendo de donde vengo... vaya... paya... vaya... paella... aquella... ostia... me daba... caramba.. ese sueno transformado... pesadilla... ya sabia... en que me metia... asi que no hay escusa... rumbo a la montana... que la nieve no espera... cuando la tierra tiembla... el agua subira... suspira... nadie nunca se equivoca... mejor estar arriba... a lo alto de la favela... viendo la luna llena... bolsita bajo mi camiseta... comiendo como una reina... bebiendo coca-cola... fresquita... recien sacada la nevera... asi me gusta... manana dolor de cabeza... garganta... aguanta... respira... arma una bombita... abre la ventana... pa quel olor vuela... hacia la casa vecina... esta no es la policia... se alquila... se llena... bacia... parece una marea... a mi me marea... resfuerza la familia... cada dia... cada noche... amarra la cintura... aquel coche viene de roche... pimiento relleno de chuche... que si que se puede... solo hay que saber achuche... en el momento adecuado... uno siente el ocho... lo coloca en el oyo... ultimo... anunciado... que bueno... jugar... juzgar... jubilar... queda la bola blanca... sola por la mesa... rodando... esperanda una nueva partida... salida... propina... por el camino... volando va... volviendo viene... cesped... verde... ya toma... viva la libertad... eternidad... electricidad... apaga la chicha ya...


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

pick your dates...

dates build characters... just like a stroll around the canals... imagine your dream house... light that body tree... two people makin' out... side... once upon a rhyme... under the moonshine... that's fine... who wants to be... mine... on prime time... a click away from home... sweet... treat... broken beat... happy half... hour time... wine... lime... see you when i see you... talk soon... hugs... take care... it was nice meeting you... let's hang out again sometimes... sooner or later... i'm so busy this upcoming week... socializing the hell out of this place... filling up on conversations... informations... playing games... watching fames... gottas have it all... at once... twice... and bam... s... m... s... that s so funny... i was in the process... just writing a poem... inspired upon our first encounter... keep writing... i wanna see it... i mean... read it... understand... comprehend... get it... netflix it... google it... search it for yourself... from the mountain tops... to the desert islands... there are many ways... beforeplays... tries... lies... ties... remember... life is fickle... ripples... and all of a sudden... warning lights on... the house is on fire... tire... wire... get tangled up... forget who you are... love smells like roten eggs... sulfur... hot water feels nice... soft skin and all... ok... time to go... each one of us... space your own... own your space... earn your place... enlace... face... relace... trace... get on top... off your game... get real... got your ace... tie your lace... wait for that green light... move forward... display... press play... fairplay... foreplay... come down... listen up... watch out... feel it... pause... start... push... touch... wait... wait... wait... call... fall... stall... score... goal... mall... ball... all... together w'all...


Thursday, July 7, 2011

au pays des...

bonbons... bidons... guides ons... fait un don... pour le vieux ougon... enfermer dans sa jolie maison... mais dis donc... ca n'a pas le gout de dindon... c'est meme pas tres bon... ca a l'air d'une belle mascarade... soiree deguisee toute l'annee... faut pas hesiter... on vas les faire chanter... dancer le long de la falaise... a l'aise... celebration oblige... culturellement parlant... faut bien preserver ces traditions... meme si le pere noel est une ordure... et la croix pas toujours de meilleure foie... c'est deja l'heure de la poze... osmoze... biere de mil... pain direct du fourneau... pousse... une petite sucrerie... et c'est reparti... casse toi tu pue et crache a l'hombre... laquelle... pele mele... quel mot bizarroide... et soudainement... un ange descendu de la falaise... tel un backpacker... ca devient miss tiques... tous ristiques meme... vite un bic... c chic... la fric... ecris ton email... facebouc... twister... et surtout... rapelle toi bien de m'ecrire... sinon ca cerf a rien...
