Wednesday, October 26, 2011


tengo ganas... de decir... sentir... olvidar... tocar... coger... usar... sin recoger... aprovechar... sin abusar... submergirme bajo el agua... abrir los ojos... llorar la sal sonriendo... tragar la pureza de la mar... subir al altar de mi alma... mirar la vida con profundidad... desde mi cabina presurisada... como un cuento de ada... aqui no se necessita ninguna ala... solo pasiencia... ausensia... meditacion interna... fluidez therapeutica... gravitacion extrema... sin ninguna logica... se olvidan las palabras... pequenas frases... grandes debates... reyes y reinas... ricos y pobres... hombres y animales... aqui solo hay uno... solitario pero no solo... liquida sombra asombra... levanta la cabeza que suena... las olas de viento... ondulaciones del tiempo... creando el tempo... melodrama de un momento... concentrado de energia bacia... basura intergalactica... mas alla de aquella playa... pintada de arena infinia... a ver quien es capaz... de contarla... recrearla... ensenarla... firmar esta tela arrana... sin danarla... quien sera el puto dueno de este putiferio... hombre loco... dios mafiozo... incoherencias technicas... mapa pirata... biblia falsificada... libros vacios... discotecas absurdas... bibliotecas nocturnas... ideas noctambulas... razones fantasmas... y todo el polvo... debajo la alfombra... que de todos modos no vuela...


Tuesday, October 18, 2011


you look like... A... everything but... B... cause of problem... C... me... do... an... air... in your face... fuck... listen to... daddy... tellin' U... no how to... shit... in your pants... here i go... yo... slicin' easy... ridin' D... human body... extremely... quick recovery... discovery... channel in'... energeticly... tiklish... speakin' no english... mas bien eatin' turkish... foolish... make a wish... finish... sandwich... twik... freak... flip... finger likin'... good... heads up... down unda'... can't see must feel... cat si mousse fil... will... there's always a... well... close your eyes... flip a coin... remember your future... calculate... extrapolate... dunnobelate... some call it fate... hate... mate... quake... shake... make... you on your own... mission... vision... laser cut tech... saucisson sec... mec... bec... trek... trick... flick... stick... gold on your old gone... hold on your gold gun... fun... run... turn... park around the corner... wisely size... sizely wise... sometimes sense dunno make... how many friends do you... need... feed... breed... face it... book it... lick it... dunnofixit... untilitistoolate... insulate... relate... once again... ulate... whatafook... puke onta' nuke... got noluk'... fluk'... godmastsuk'... big fat duck... time to duk'...


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

ca vas...

eh ouais... on ne renis pas ces origines... tout au contraire... on en est fier... les portes sur nos epaules... com des medailles... des gallons... bien portes... avec accent bien sur... on ecoutes... roucoule... roules... poules... enroule... et de la ca vas... vers un futur incertain... je sais que tu te reconnais... ouais... toi... la... le petit poney frappe... oooops... loupe... c ca que je voulsais... dire... ecrire... sans rires... on sait ce que ca veux... et sau pire... fait un sourire... passe pour un con... rond... sans affronts... thons... son... cisse... on... reconnait sa propre image... rage... page... dur dur de tourner la... rond point sense inverse... marche arriere... priere... ser... verbe transmis... ptit a ptit... vas au lit... oublit...


Monday, October 3, 2011


i got a... whore 'n... war n'... boar 'n... car n'... another ridin'... flippin'... livin'... deal 'n... in write n'... come n'... chill 'n... grill n'... stoopin' sunday... mayday... happy birth hey... the american dream 'n... golden eagle fly n'... don't... tell... anyone... trust them... every star has a moment of glow 'n... blow n'... grow slow... flow n'... past fast... wata' bumma'... vota o'bumma... bla... bla... blame her... motha'... fucka'... butha'... smoka'... but always rememba'... plug in your roota'... cook well you roosta'... if it smells fishy it's not a keepy... out of the tipi... pipi... zipi... bipi... go sleepy... never get edgy... wedgy... bumpy... slappy... itchy... scratchy... cut throat... boat... sounds like a system... speed up... drink up... pass it up... yup... that's right... correct... erect... special effect... we had a dream... you were in there... somewhere... fall n'... think n'... shoot n'... there were cowboys n'... chicks n'... thighs... extra crispy... watch your neighbors... window of oportunity... jump n'... take it... flip it... sleep with it... remember it... it is what it is... get that... move on... you gotta... wanna b a ninja...
