Wednesday, November 30, 2011

guess what...

bafflement... bamboozlement... befuddlement... bemusement... bewilderedness... bewilderment... confusedness... discombobulation... distraction... fog... head-scratching, maze [chiefly dialect], muddle, mystification, perplexity, puzzlement, tangle... whirl... no order... orderliness... sounds like... affusion... allusion... Carthusian... collusion... conclusion... contusion... delusion... diffusion... effusion... elusion... exclusion... extrusion... illusion... sounds all good... but... reality is... confusion...

Monday, November 21, 2011

botellon mental...

como me gusta contar historias... mezclar palabras... silvar letras... crear errores... a proposito... sin presupuesto... con ganas de decir... escrivir... y luego... leyendo... no entiendo... no reaparece el sentido... biblia mia... madre... que tipo de educacion he recibido... vaya estudios que he hecho... y luego... mira... no se nada... porque nadie me dijo esto... lo de la memoria esta... de la tarjeta magica... del tiempo perdido... jodido momento inalcancable... rio en movimiento... sociedad dormida... aprendida... completamente atontada... asi que... en el cole ya se sabe... que uno no quiere... no puede... se pierde la fe... la vida es corta... larga... puteada... como aquel sentido... lleno y vacio a la vez... y a mi me la suda... no pienso nada... todo... rollo de papel higienico... libertad... agua del grifo... futuro de la humanidad... locura... pa que sirve ser sano estando contento y loco... vaya paella... escucha... que este es mi campo... planto lo que me da la gana... riego de vez en cuando... no espero nada de nada... aqui no hay batalla perdida... ni fossiles interesantes... no se siembra plantas medicinales... pero si que se encuentran muchos niveles naturales... dependiendo del estado de la mente... de la frente... de las extremidades... el calor ayuda... el frio desnuda... a mi me gusta la nata... pero no a mi variga... asi que ya sabes... create algo si quieres... sigue leyendo esto si puedes... como estos manuales que solo observo en el bano... aburrido... secretos pensados detras de la botellas... esto es mas como un botellon... toma...


Monday, November 14, 2011


i'm sorry... i can't feel my fingerstips typing but... i'm sorry... for you who sleeps in the cold... it's getting old... repeating those words instead of acting... reacting... just like i was told... getting bold... i can say it over and over again... i'm sorry... i still can't feel your pain... i got a fuckin' roof over my head... no rain... just a human attitude for a stain... i can still pay and complain... take that train... pretend that i don't give a damn... dress up as if i was a real man... you know how to grow... you can only start from the very bottom... sleeping ground for real thoughts... concentrate on nothing... just forget... i'm sorry... we all supposed to be born equal... have the sanme opportunities... help each others out... uninteresting concept... another failure of a specie... i'm sorry... blame the lame... excuse yourself... redemption's always a last minute call... get bailed if you can... catch my ignorance... or should we keep pretending... to feel sorry... to care... to share... to kill for self defense... to cheat death... how honest can i trully be... do i have a possibility... is there a back door... a switch... witch... itch... thc... any kind of order... any sort of logic... anything else i can see... anywhere else i can smell... anyone else i can kiss... bliss... i'm sorry... for wasting my precious time typing... relying on ambiguity... building cities of letters... countries of words... empires of sentences... universes of nonsense... instead of... who knows... who cares... who dares...


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

jean veux...

la drogue... jean veux... jean veux pas... l'argent... j'en veux... jean veux pas... l'amour... jean veux... j'en veux pas... la vie... jean prix... jean prix pas... l'amor... jean prix... j'en prix pas... le sex... j'en prix... jean prix pas... tout ceux que jeux c queue je ne sais rien... deux rien... je ne regrettes... rien...


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

ready to rumble...

rollin' tumbleweed... strollin' tree... howllin' wind... timin' life... knowin' Bee... flappin' wings... flippin' pages... ages... changin' cages... sages... this is no sweet potato wedges... livin' edges... hi low switches... huntin' witches... fuckin' bitches... this is the story of a tumbleweed... runnin' into a tree... where a B... queen of the tree... kisses three... oui oui oui... lovin' tale... tellin' well... waitin' sell... playin' cell... to B or not to B... this is the answer from within'... the question B 4 the egg... the chicken... the fast food fuck up... lickin' shut down... likin' shut up... suckin' slow down... dancin' up n' down... buzzin' back n' forth... jumpin' steps... burnin' bridges... stingin' rules... keepin' cools... bein' fools... swingin' tools... and at the end of the day... just like the queen said... the wind picked up... the tree lost its grip... graspin' roots... shakin' leafs... so life could roll on... clock could go on... back to an average heart B... eatin' fine... drinkin' wine... feelin' pine... smellin' lime... actin' lame... seekin' fame... all the same... i just came... this is lame... have no shame...
