Thursday, July 25, 2013

jack ouch...

la raison d'etre... a raison de moi... un verre a la soit... un pretre a la foix... ainsi c'est il... ces syllabes en lob... ras le bol... coupe au sol... la sidolaterie... espece de mot rare en voix... deux disparitions et le compte est bon... je tombasses... il tombasses... nous tombassions... vous tombassiez... ils tabassent... marquent des points dans la tete... a louette je roules en pirrouette... c'est plutot chouette la vie sous les couettes... pouet pouet camion et roulette russe... est ce que tu... pouce pas trop le bouchon... me prend pour un con... me fait tourner en rond... aiguilles et talons... jean quilles et free tilles... villes saintes et laines... l'hivers est passe... marche a reculons... l'ete dans le dos... le sac sur le ventre... j'accouches...


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

day care...

you know how the amount of water on earth never changes... no matter how much it rains in you backyard... whatever the amount of ice melting... whatever goes up must come down... unless it is sent in a little pachage unto to space station... what happens in vegas stays in vegas... what you don't know is that the amount of stupidity... love... hate... anger... crime... thoughts... and whetever else doesn t change either... if a certain specie grows in number... another must decrease... the sadness of some makes the happiness of others... our planet is like a big pawn shop... you loose some you win some... there is always a snowball effect... gravitational explanation of the falling apple... even if the snake wasn t taken into consideration... adam and eve were better of without knowledge... and the tree would have been healthier... at the end of the day the probabilities even out... just like your vote in a democratic system... everything matters so much that nothing really changes... nothing really matters and everything always changes... who knows... who cares... i dare you to proove you wrong...


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

x que...

a que sirve pretender... sino entender... volver sin irse... irse sin revolver... devolver lo adquirido... volverse loco sin sentido... querer lo querido... sin ruido creer lo creido... asi va la rumba hacia la luna... media noche esperandote... leche entera y vida a media... puesta de sol sin fortuna... fumando dinero a la sombra del medio dia... ambiente lleno de horizonte... gente vacia de corazon... toda la cita en pantalla... romance perdito... mundo parallelo... un click hacia la esperanza... mirada fija... culo pegado a la silla... la cama virtual no sabe a nada... el colchon electronico no huele... avanlacha de ropa manchada... lluvia de gafas enloquecidas... hacia donde vamos sin preguntarnos...


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

summer lime...

there are suns and moons... days and nights... sunrise and sunsets... sometimes the sun get so close to the moon that the earth gets crazy... people step out of their shells and wander around... no plans... just gotta feel it when it's there... when all elements and parameters are aligned... the air stagnates to emancipate rising souls... the wind chills to participate blowing minds... time flies in circles like DNA... everyone understands the moment... no one can grab the golden eagle... and that's not just some random moment... it's human genetic history being made... it's social destiny being professed... it's a newborn baby crying in vain... of course we can calculate the future... to a certain extend we might even be able to predict... the seasons change... the weather warmings... the global warnings... without ever really understanding our own symetrical ways... always thinking without thinking religiously... complicating the simple... summing it all up... adding... substracting... inventing... multiplying... dividing... going one way... heading the other... sitting one place... loving the other... eating... digesting... remembering... forgeting... aging... reproducing... crying... praying one day... laughing at the other... sooner or later... bigger or smaller... rules will always be broken...
