Friday, September 27, 2013

Ramon perez...

carretera abierta... autopista cerrada... que pasa con tu choche ratita... llama la seguridad... el seguro de conducir... ramon perez ne peut plus conduire... sin mucho sentido... seguimos el camino... al reves de santiago... esto sale mas caro... carro... claro... como humberto... que nos trajo lo maximo... buen viento... mar abierto... y periodo... glacias y olas... hablamos...


Sunday, September 22, 2013

ever y ever...

there's an empty seat next to me... i should be happy... space to strech my legs... time to rest my personal space... a world traveler's dream... a fantastic Disney theme... a magnificient opportunity... but see... there is an empty seat next to me... and it makes me feel lonely... without you next to me... music sounds off beat... space feels relatively theorical... life looks completely theatrical... nothing seems as magical... i know you know... now that we know... knowledge files on the edge... falls off the edge... flies off our age... your name is on every page... free to leave the cage... controverse... transgression... perfection... grand ovation... i bow... to your wisdom within... i take my hat off... to the glimmering of an eye... i heart you... for who you are... always... forever... what's writen once is true forever... and ever...


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

a mano de...

a veces la imaginacion esta en el tiempo de una pagina... en el pensamiento de una maquina... la mano de fatima... y asi va la historia... con poco tiempo poco se escribira...


Tuesday, September 10, 2013


is it... that gray hair... early morning off shore breeze on the palm trees... i can feel it... deep inside... a bicycle ride away from the truth... circling the enlightened pier at night... there is an another life out there... a mexican family is fishing... vons is open... people are watching television in heaven... strange things happen on earth... like a faithful one legged pigeon waiting to be fed... a homeless woman yelling... i can still smell weed... see a couple stars away from hollywood... there is a lot more to it than the looks... more knowledge than in books... more kooks... but that's the way the ball bounces at the recreational beach... that s the way the fog rolls... creeps down the alleys... search for wheels of fortune... the doormat smells like weed... plants grow out of roaches... just like prices skyrocket out of smile... control landing fell off the wagon... rent spirreled out of site... america is being rebuilt on stilts... tree man got a girlfriend... there is still hope even if trust went down the polls... still people living in holes... one day i will explain all this better...
