Monday, October 28, 2013

noche pasada...

intermedio interminable... intervention international... intercambio interbalitisco... intersection intercultural... tantos inters... tantas interraciones... seres... eres... ares... y tan poco sabes... idiomas... fisionomias... leyes fisicas... y poco mas... ademas... tomando en consideracion la virtualidad... los mundos parallelos... cuentos de adas... y la luna llena... tu realidad avanza marcha atras... mirando hacia el pasado... avanzando sin ver el futuro... por cierto... estas muerto... mirando como ciego... escuchando poco... la fuerza esta al limite de tu debilidad... ahi donde menos te lo espera... escondete a ti mismo... reconocete... admitete... la entrada es gratis... la comida buena... la bebida regalada... pero no te pases...


Sunday, October 20, 2013


agastopia... admiration of a particular part of someone’s body... bibble... drink often and eat noisily... cabotage... exclusive right of a country to control the air traffic within its borders... firman... tax on salt... halfpace... platform of a staircase where the stair turns back in exactly the reverse direction of the lower flight... impignorate... pawn or mortgage something... jentacular... pertaining to breakfast... kakorrhaphiophobia... fear of failure... lamprophony... loudness and clarity of enunciation... macrosmatic... having a good sense of smell... nudiustertian...the day before yesterday... a martian nudistoxter... pauciloquent... uttering few words; brief in speech... quire... two dozen sheets of paper ratoon... small shoot growing from the root of a plant... tittynope... small quantity of something left over... ulotrichous... having wooly or crispy hair... valetudinarian... sickly or weak person... winklepicker... style of shoe or boot in the 1950s with a sharp and long pointed toe... xertz... gulp down quickly and greedily... yarborough... hand of cards containing no card above a nine... zoanthropy... delusion of a person who believes himself changed into an animal...


Sunday, October 13, 2013


j'ecris... je m'ecris... re reecris... reflectes a travers les fenetres du temps... d'autant de paysages passages.. c'est dans un train... train a grande vitesse... qu'etrangement je ne vois rien... tout passe... tout s'entasse... tremblement de tasse... presage d'un film deja vu... voie entendue... comme une allegorie des temps modernes... une repete grandeur nature de la voix rapide... je repetes... je me repetes... stress a sens unique... chien en laisse sociologique... materiel scolaire radioactif... je regardes ces derniers arbres passer... contemples ces premiers hommes... observes du milieu des champs... fraction de seconde qui ne compte plus... un peu comme a l'ecole buissoniere... la ou on apprend a se distinguer... virvoltage tout aussi dangereux qu'une naissance... siflement bien moins interessant qu'une mort sans marche arriere... et dire qu'il y a des trouillards qui battent en retraite... des jeunes hommes qui manifestent pour leur retraite... de vieillards qui se battent a la retraite... pensee noctambule sans grand interet... poisson ou poulet au petit dejeuner... les temps changent... les gens passent... la vie avance a reculons...


Sunday, October 6, 2013


blue sky... yellow sun... green grass... red wine... fine... broken back... dirty track... low crack... fact is... painfully... rainfully... beautifully... nature does not fuck around... there is a time for everything... waking up... eating... talking... cutting... drinking... washing... remembering... sleeping... and so on... singing the same song... tong... long... kong... work like a slave... live like a king... sling around... slang if you can... move forward... life is... words restrain... there is so much to say... so many combinations... numbers... such few winning lottery tickets... it's all about faith... be who you are... pray who you want... everything may be possible... believe... relieve... help... there is a need... plenty of weed... forgoten islands... magical beings... places... laces... traces... aces... races... cases... feelings... one moment... after another... in us we trust...
