Monday, December 30, 2013


work... rabota... Pphysical or mental effort or activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something... sofisticated definition for... dog biting his own tail... god licking his own... creation... frustration... robotisation... in our work lies our economy... in our words stands our history... just read the dictionary... get out of the ordinary... walk away from your confortable dome... elevation thru starvation... action causes reaction... color change of love... there are many moons... one mood... and no time...


Monday, December 23, 2013

la perra persa...

el gallo mas gallo... la zorra mas zorra... el loco mas loca... la cobra mas cobro... la coca mas cola... la cola mas coca... que siglo mas turbio... que pene mas turbo... que llego primero... el primo... la prima... el huevo... la huevada... el pollo... la pollada... el billete... la primitiva... el chanquetero... o la paella... tantas preguntas... poco respuestas... piezas... puzzles... mouss de... louz de... repito... pepito... gepeto... pinocchio... pine o' cul... pinochet... pintura rupestre levantina... fisura equestre levantate tino... regala vino y se fue... por la ruta atrastina... con poco sentido... y mucha alegria... noche atrasada... reloj adentrado... cambio de cumino... olfateando despacio... al estilo perrero chino... menu del dia... digestivo de flores... tu si que eres... la perra mas perro...


Monday, December 16, 2013

how it's made......

why make it simple when you can make it complicated... why go straight when you can go around... and around... why live a simple life... choose the easy way... there are many places to go... experiences to to grow... gods to think about... people to pray for... just like cooking... the longer it takes... the better it taste... so take time... not for granted... remember who you want... what you are... when you can... how to learn... diving is one way of flying... just like dying is a way of life... there is a definite amount of sand on our planet... a limited choice... add it up... subtract all... multiply this... divide infinity... and right around that corner... stand an old woman... holding a broom... wisdom vanished... she once had a vision... division... random perished... it was for a great occasion... even memory forgets... that grain of ingenuity... fortunately... intuitively... a young man approaches... who can he be... or not to be... who's your daddy...


Monday, December 9, 2013

une tajine...

un apogée... un ambre... un amiante... un albâtre... un arcane... Une bougainvillée... un bulbe... un chrysanthème... un exode... un bougainvillier... un éphéméride... une équivoque... une épithète... un effluve... un entrejambe... un foudre... un vin... un interclasse... une octave... un ovule... une oasis... un orgue... un ozone... un planisphère... un palabre... une satire... un satyre... un synopsis... un tentacule... un termite... la reglisse...


Sunday, December 1, 2013


in a flash... make quick cash... grow your stash... shave that mustache... show must go on... turn the wheel... make a deal... get a feel... advance... build your dream house... reinvent yourself... sell your cell... tel qu'elle... pele mele... it's just like mustard... slowly but surely... safety first... give me a loan... leave me alone... cuz as y'all dunno... paradise gotta price... fluctuating market... salt water... dream n' flies catchers... unique view n' stew... on the roof i sit... in the sun i sip... in the water i rip... once a year flip... dip... nip... hip... lip... and...
