what's your name... how old are you... so this is a secret message... now... these are the magic pens... and these are the color pens... you canwrite or draw with one color... take the white... go over the magic pens... they change colors... for instance... black goes pink... and now the secret message... everything you write or draw comes out with the white pen... the color pens on the other hand... allows you to erase colors... it comes out on skin... walls... carpet... enywhere you want... and when you mix magic pens with color pens... that's when it gets really interesting... it's very good for the creativity... you can change and erase colors at the same time and make beautiful 3d effects... if you keep them open they don t dry out for a year and a half... if you keep them open they stay good for about 2/3 years... and they are very strong... all instructions are in the back of the box... the set is 20 euros... no tax... i give you an extra white pen... and a coloring book for free...
Labels: Las Americas... Canary Islands...