Saturday, September 27, 2014


estoy patras... un dia... o dos... conduciendo palante... una noiche fuera... otra dentro... mundo va... mundo viene... con mil luces... desbordo... abordo... y luego... giro... enciendo... fueguecito de colores... en paises lejanos... sin hablar... sin saber... compreder... pero le doy cana... como si eso era... normal... y asi es... un dia patras... otro palante..


Thursday, September 18, 2014

kiss my...

i always predicate that you feel the most confused is when you closer to enlightment... life is confusing... especially some particular moments... and when these arrise... it's like an electricity cut on a pitch dark night... where even destiny seems to get lost in a timeless jungle... so that all our thoughts go in circles... and all our senses straight up and down... only some sort of natural instinct takes over... einstein was probably relatively right... just like all his peers before and after him... the girl with the red dress must have been a deja vu... an attractive virus so to speak... and i'm from an unsatisfied socially frustrated race... always wanting more... never completely content... competitively driven by similarity trying to differenciate onself from another... i feel stuck in an overcrowded classroom sitting between a paradox and logic... le cul entre deux chaises... on one side he's a pyromaniac that dream to become a firefighter... on the other side she is sleeping princess that wants to to bite the forbiden apple... what a fucking mess... mass... kiss my ass...


Thursday, September 11, 2014

remise en cause...

necessaire... arbitraire... mais faut la faire... sans heurter... ames sensibles s'abstenir... retenir... partir... revenir... la vie est une pisse... pause... repose... extase d'une liberation... tous pour un... c' est ce con nous apprend... ce con ecrit... et nous on li... on dors... ne se reveille jamais vraiment... juste parcourt moments... ca craint... c'est cool... rat la moule... grosse foule... petite houle... exageration exacerbee... et moi dans tout ca... j'suis qui...
