Monday, July 27, 2020

corona comet...

there is something extraordinary... flying accross the southern cross... once in a blue moon... coming out of nowhere... in a pandemic manner... least expeted... most shared... makes sense... a click away from earth... another biblical birth... as death toll rises... airlines grounded like pepper... the world suddenly stopped... humans shocked... shaken... among rising stars and satellites there is a sign of our times... now a significant object that will define us for the rest of our lives... NOEX... no ex... no way back around now... there s only ne way to go... forward... onward... towards the sun... fun... gun... son of a... glitch... the solar system is leaking... all of our theories coming to an end... new world order... to go or not to go... social distancing kills... salty bills coming up... seatbells loosen... starving cowboyz in tha hood... the world turnin' inside out... head spins... dry dips... sticky sauce pans... where did all croutons go... open bags of flour... no yeast... at least but not last... breadcrumbs... sticky notes... gold rush... green flush... red bush... thumbleweed in the wind... matter... particules... story of our lifes...